Ultimate Buyer’s Guide For Leaf Blower To Get The Best Ones

No matter how fast trees like maple, oak, or birch can shed its leaves, your leaf blower tool is to make a simple work to keep you out of the mess. A leaf blower the most useful for you year-round for your yard and garden as it’s is not only a machine that you use one time in every season. From summer’s sandy decks to spring’s windblown walkways, it comes in use and even in the light snow as well.
As a result, you’ll find a lot of types and brands of leaf blowers, such as electric, gas, and battery powered leaf blower on the market. Not only in types
That’s why now the question is how you’ll choose the right one for you from the crowd. But, you’re lucky and don’t get worried as we’re here to help you with the proper information that will help you to get the best leaf blower.
Types of Leaf Blower:
As it’s said already there are some factors should be considered before buying one of them, you should be very careful when you choose one. In this case, types of leaf blower are one of the great factors that you have to consider wisely for the best results. When it comes to types of a leaf blower, you’ll find mainly four types on the market, including gas handheld, electric handheld, walk behind, and backpack. Now, let’s know about them in short to get the differences between them:
Gas Handheld:
This is the type of leaf blower that’s almost same to electric handled one without one thing that it’s run by gas instead of electric power. As you have to use gas as its fuel, it’ll cost somehow little more than an electric one. Usually, this type of leaf blower comes with 2-cycle engines that it needs to use a gas/oil mix. So, normally this machine is much more powerful than an electric blower, but this is not always.
In addition to these, this blower tends to be little weighty and heavier that’s 7 to 12 lbs on average. But, you don’t need to get worried about its handling around as it comes with an extension cord. Also, you’re free of being anxious about when its battery will end up because it runs by gas power. However, this type of leaf blower needs more maintenance.
Electric Handheld:
If you like to use an electric leaf blower, you’ll find it has an extension cord or rechargeable battery powered blower as well. Typically, this blower is the lightest one in weight in compared with other types that’s only 7 lbs or its less. As a result, it’s the best choice of the homeowner who has small to medium sized lawns.
One of the best advantages of this tool is that you’re free of storing gas or oil for this one at your home. Also, you don’t need to make them maintained it frequently. Besides, it’s easy to use and one of the top reasons that most homeowners use this type is that it’s environment-friendly. But, this one is also not out of the downside and that’s its limited lifetime of battery or limited length of extension cord.
Walk Behind:
For some reasons, it’s the type of blower that’s not much more common to people. The first one is it’s most expensive for the starters that start costing from $200 to $1000 in the range. But, you’ll get it as the most powerful blower when it comes to the types’ strength. As most of them are weighted more than 100 lbs, they’re not suitable for domestic or indoor use. However, this gas-powered blower has made for commercial use as there is a big use of it for commercial purposes.
This is the type that’s popular to most of the professional lawn cleaning companies to clean up the leaf and mowing the lawn. Backpack leaf blower more powerful than the handled ones that you can use it for hours to clean your yard at a time. It’s suitably perfect for you if you have large lawns where there are many trees or if you’re a lawn professional. As it is weighty and noisy, you should be physically strong to use it. Also, its prices are two or three times more than handled ones and this gas-powered tool usually comes with 2-cycle engines.
Brands of Leaf Blower:
When it comes to your favorite brand that you like for other items, it’s pretty good to look if that has made a leaf blower. It’s because you’ll find so many brands on the marketplace, but sticking with your trusted one is a great idea. For example, if you’re a fan of rechargeable power items, you’ll find many companies are making leaf blower tools with a rechargeable battery as well. It means that if you use the brand you’re using for a long time then you can save money using the same batteries.
So, you can use the blowers of Black & Decker, Makita, Worx, Eco, Stihl are some of the famous brands to take the name. Also, it’ll not let you go down if you use Echo’s products that offer some high-end blowers. In this issue, Toro is another top brand of leaf blowers that you can choose.
Prices of Leaf Blowers:
It’s one of the biggest decisions to take how much you’ll spend on shopping a leaf blower. You’ll get some ground to work with as there are prices that start from $20 to $1000 depending on brands, models, and some other factors. So, you have to use your own judgment to evaluate the situation and read the user reviews to get help in making your decision.
For example, when you have a small-sized lawn and that don’t have many trees; you should not spend hundreds of dollars to shop a blower. So, we suggest getting an electric leaf blower that comes in only or under $100 for you. But, if you’re a homeowner with a large lawn that has some big trees and drops a lot of leaves then you should think about getting the professional grade blower that costs $200 or more than that.
Where To Buy:
It’s another factor that where to shop for your desired leaf blower. In this issue, you’ll find the blowers available in a wide range of stores that you can shop it from both online and offline stores. From major hardware stores, such as Home Depot to Lowe’s to local small lawn mower stores, you can get it from a large selection. When comes to online retail stores, you can get it from Sears, Walmart, and Target. And you can shop it from Amazon at the lowest price and from the best selection.
Bottom Line:
It’s one of the big buys when you shop a leaf blower so you should take some more time to consider the above-said factors. It’s true we have discussed the most of the factors, but you should use your personal judgment regarding your needs and affordability. Hopefully, this leaf blower buyer’s guide will help you to find out the best one for your lawns and gardens.
Also Useful:-Best Backpack Leaf Blowers Reviews Guide